With Great Appreciation to El Presidente: Hugo Chavez

Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez. In 2005, during his first interview in the United States, Chavez said: “When we were children, we were told that we have a motherland, and that motherland was Spain. However, we have discovered later, in our lives, that as a matter of fact, we have several motherlands. And one of the greatest motherlands of all is no doubt, Africa. We love Africa. And every day we are much more aware of the roots we have in Africa…. Katrina is—indeed, has a lot to do with racism–no doubt about it. Hate against me has a lot to do with racism. Because of my big mouth, because of my curly hair. And I’m so proud to have this mouth and this hair, because it’s African.”

Yesterday, after all the cunning undermining of white supremacists, Hugo Chavez was re-elected to another six-year term as president of Venezuela, the largest oil exporter of Latin America.

The “jackals”, as described in John Perkins’ book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, have been and are, no doubt, still after Venezuela’s democratically elected Chavez. Perkins’ book clearly outlines that when a person who is not white obstructs the white supremacists’ (racists’) theft of the natural resources necessary for the survival and thriving of their kin who are not white, the racists will finance and direct fake opposition and street protests, riots, coups, and if all else fails, assassinations. (Perkins cloaks racism as “capitalism” and “corporatism” but Perkins is white.) Thus far, Chavez has withstood it all. I’ll never forget watching the footage of him being kidnapped during his first term in office and successfully returning to the Miraflores presidential palace. The only device he may not prevail over is his murder. Chavez contends, and I believe, that white folks have used advanced biochemistry to inject him and neighboring leaders in Latin America with cancer. But, he may even beat that. I pray he does. And, I hope that the black people he has endeavored to help from New Orleans to Mozambique can bust through white folks’ blockades to receive it.

President Chavez is one “Latino” who I do not believe functions as a white person at any time. I make that statement with my VGQ (Victims’s Guaranteed Qualification). You make your own determination. But for this day, on this blog, I say, “Viva El Presidente Chavez!” and, as always, Replace White Supremacy With Justice.

These creatures are NOT unbeatable. If they were, they’d have “found” WMDs in Iraq. They can’t make EVERYTHING they want happen.


This article was published by The Guardian Unlimited on October 3, 2012
Mark Weisbrot,Author:

On May 30, Dan Rather, one of America’s most well-known journalists, announced that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez would die “in a couple of months at most.” Four months later, Chávez is not only alive and campaigning but widely expected to win re-election on Sunday. Such is the state of misrepresentation of Venezuela — it is probably the most lied-about country in the world — that a journalist can say almost anything about Chávez or his government and it is unlikely to be challenged, so long as it is negative. Even worse, Rather referred to Chávez as “the dictator” — a term that few, if any, political scientists familiar with the country would countenance.

Here is what Jimmy Carter said about Venezuela’s “dictatorship” a few weeks ago: “As a matter of fact, of the 92 elections that we’ve monitored, I would say that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world.”

Carter won a Nobel Prize for his work through the election-monitoring Carter Center, which has observed and certified past Venezuelan elections. But because Washington has sought for more than a decade to de-legitimize Venezuela’s government, his viewpoint is only rarely reported. His latest comments went unreported in almost all of the U.S. media.

In Venezuela, voters touch a computer screen to cast their vote and then receive a paper receipt, which they then verify and deposit in a ballot box. Most of the paper ballots are compared with the electronic tally. This system makes vote-rigging nearly impossible: to steal the vote would require hacking the computers and then stuffing the ballot boxes to match the rigged vote.

Unlike in the United States, where in a close vote we really have no idea who won (see Bush v. Gore, 2000), Venezuelans can be sure that their vote counts. And also unlike the U.S., where as many as 90 million eligible voters will not vote in November, the government in Venezuela has done everything to increase voter registration (now at a record of about 97 percent) and participation.

Yet the U.S. foreign policy establishment (which includes most of the American and Western media) seethes with contempt for Venezuela’s democratic process. In a report timed for the elections, the so-called “Committee to Protect Journalists” says that the government controls a “media empire,” neglecting to inform its readers that Venezuelan state TV has only about 5-8 percent of the country’s television audience. Of course, Chávez can interrupt normal programming with his speeches (under a law that pre-dates his administration), and regularly does so. But the opposition still has most of the media, including radio and print media — not to mention most of the wealth and income of the country.

The opposition will most likely lose this election not because of the government’s advantages of incumbency — which are abused throughout the hemisphere, including the United States. If they lose, it will be because the majority of Venezuelans have dramatically improved their living standards under the Chávez government. Since 2004, when the government gained control over the oil industry and the economy had recovered from the devastating, extra-legal attempts to overthrow it (including the 2002 U.S.-backed military coup and oil strike of 2002-2003), poverty has been cut in half and extreme poverty by 70 percent. And this measures only cash income. Millions have access to health care for the first time, and college enrollment has doubled, with free tuition for many students. Inequality has also been considerably reduced. By contrast, the two decades that preceded Chávez were one of the worst economic failures in Latin America, with real income per person actually falling by 14 percent from 1980-1998.

In Washington, democracy has a simple definition: does a government do what the State Department wants them to do? And of course here, the idea of politicians actually delivering on what they promised to voters is also an unfamiliar concept. So it is not just Venezuela that regularly comes under fire from the Washington establishment: all of the left and newly independent governments of South America, including Argentina, Ecuador, and Bolivia are in the cross-hairs (although Brazil is considered too big to get the same treatment except from the right). But the State Department tries to keep its eyes on the prize: Venezuela is sitting on 500 billion barrels of oil, and doesn’t respect Washington’s foreign policy. That is what makes it public enemy number one, and gets it the worst media coverage.

But Venezuela is part of a “Latin American Spring” that has produced the most democratic, progressive, and independent group of governments that the region has ever had. They work together, and Venezuela has solid support among its neighbors. This is Lula da Silva last month: “A victory for Chávez (in the upcoming election) is not just a victory for the people of Venezuela but also a victory for all the people of Latin America . . . this victory will strike another blow against imperialism.” South America’s support is Venezuela’s best guarantee against continuing attempts by Washington – which is still spending millions of dollars within the country in addition to unknown covert funds — to undermine, de-legitimize, and destabilize democracy in Venezuela.

10 Responses to “With Great Appreciation to El Presidente: Hugo Chavez”

  1. MSW, some Hispanic folk are white all of the time and some are not. Some Hispanic people are white part of the time and at other times not. Some Hispanic people are never white.

    As for the Hispanics who are not white—when they are not white, what you say is correct. People who are not white routinely harm each other in random acts as part of the self-loathing you reference. But, people who are not white have no power to widely mistreat people who are not white (Hispanic or not).

  2. In response to Cree-Eight.
    I would like to give my opinion on this matter as a latina woman. As you no doubt already know, Latin America was colonized by Europeans and Latinos are taught to accept Spain as mother land. With this being said, It is important to note that our history of colonization is deeply rooted in racist ideology that has been ingrained in the mentality of Latino-Americans by the colonizer. A racial hierarchy among latinos was implemented by the colonizer in efforts to erase or supress native and African roots. So yes there maybe some ingrained self-loathing and inner racism toward Black people in parts of the Latino community but that is due to a long history of colonization and forced oppression of native and African roots. It is only through education that we are able to see otherwise. I would also like to point out that there is much black on brown crime in urba areas. Black people have also treated Latinos with deceit and violence. This is not to say that any of these acts are warranted but it is important to contextualize these acts. We live in a capiatlist white supremicist system that wants black and brown people to hate each other, to kill each other because otherwise, united we could be a force so strong that can take what has been stolen. If we see only our differences nothing will change but if we recognize that as Black and Brown people we have been equally oppressed and marginalized we can unite into an unstoppable force.

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    With Great Appreciation to El Presidente: Hugo Chavez

  4. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Great suggestion, Kushite Price. Will get eight on that.

  5. Kushite Prince Says:

    @Cree I think Dr Carlos Munoz would be a great guest. Let me know if and when he decides to do your show. Have you ever heard of Olin Tezcatlipoca? He has some very interesting views on white supremacy. He says we shouldn’t be celebrating any European holidays. He also is one of the few Latino speakers I’ve seen say publicly that Mexicans benefited from the Civil Rights struggle that black people went through. I think you should try to get in contact with him. I think he would be a great guest on your show or the COWS. Check out this video–he makes some very valid points.

  6. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Oh, one more thing, Dr. Muhammad, I HAVE talked to Latinos. MANY of them. I’ve made a point of doing so for over 20 years. I’ve been in all kinds of “coalitions” and talks with them with them in college, on the job and in “political work”. I’ve written grants with them. I’m surrounded by them and have made a point to observe and engage them. I do not come to this conclusion happily or without wide experience. In my experience, 90+% of those who classify themselves as “Latino” who would not be identified by someone who did not know them as they walked down the street, as black, will only talk that talk when they benefit from our work more than we do and actively mistreat black people with deceit and violence at other times. Sorry. It was painful coming to grips with that. But, I have.

  7. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Dr. Khalf “Syn-Q” Muhammad, of course not I don’t mind. You have VGQ (Victims Guaranteed Qualification).

    In my opinion, those Latinos who have the correct intentions will not have been turned away by the post you reference and SHOULD have affirmed and applauded it simply because it’s true. I’ve invited Dr. Carlos Munoz on my radio program to address this. And, I hope he accepts and affirms the basic premise convincingly. That premise is that a black person should suspect that a person is white and practices white supremacy who calls himself/herself a “Latino” until proven otherwise. As one of the callers to my most recent broadcast said, “It’s crunch time.”

    I could be incorrect but I think President Chavez would have no problem saying that he is black.

  8. Great point CREE! I agree 100% How many “Latinos” that think they same way that Chavez does, could have been turned away by your previous post on “Latinos”? There are huge numbers of them who think just like Chavez does, you just have to talk to them. I wrote on my blog http://www.counter-racismnow.com, in order to address some of your points, because I, respectfully, didn’t want to keep leaving extremely long posts on your blog. I hope you don’t mind. RWSWJ

  9. Good piece Ms. Cree, I’ll leave it there.

  10. Kushite Prince Says:

    I thought “Hitman” was an amazing book. I bought it not knowing it would have that much good information in it. But Perkins did cloak a lot of things. What would you expect?lol I do believe Chavez was right. I think his “sickness” was brought on by outside forces. These beasts are very sneaky and devilish when they don’t get their way. I also like the comment he made about Africa. But I do believe Chavez has some African ancestry. It seems obvious to me. But you’re correct,he doesn’t function as a white person. He should be applauded fro that. That takes a lot of guts to do that in this current system of White supremacy. If I’m not mistaken,I think he gave aid to the Katrina hurricane victims as well.
    One f my favorite quotes be him is:

    “The ones who close the path for peacefull revolution, at the same time open the path for violent revolution.”

    So very true. I couldn’t agree more.

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