Part 3: Crazy Nigga – understandable. Crazy Black Bitch – not so much Guest Post by LBM (Loves Black Men)

The caption on this pic from it’s original source reads “Ratchet Females Vs. Orlando Police.” (This pic is unrelated to The Cleveland Incident.)

This is Part 3 in an undetermined number of posts in this blog’s special coverage of THE CLEVELAND INCIDENT.
Given: If the female in this incident had behaved exactly the same way with Mr. Hughes, the black bus driver, and she had been ANYTHING besides black, no punch would have been thrown.
Crazy Nigga – understandable. Crazy Black Bitch – not so much
Guest Post by LBM (Loves Black Men)

As if watching the video of a robust older black male attempt to knock out a female who could easily have been his daughter or even granddaughter (these days) wasn’t painful enough, I was a glutton for punishment reading online response after response.

Those responses made one thing very clear to me. When a Black male loses his mind, for whatever reason, black people, especially black females dig to the depths of patience, tolerance, compassion, empathy, and sympathy to understand his “righteous anger.” Black women have allowed themselves and, worse yet, their children to be continually abused in the name of “understanding” Black male anger. Black people have turned their heads as Black males sold drugs to our children because “what’s a brotha to do?” We’ve allowed the rape and pimping of our girls because “hurt people, hurt people.” Black women have endured years of loveless relationships because “he didn’t have his father so he doesn’t know how to love.” So it would seem that while many Black fathers were absent for their sons, they somehow stayed on the scene for their daughters?

There are tons of rationalizations for the mental illness of Black males yet zero for the Black female. The bitch is just crazy. She was born masculine. She was born promiscuous. Combativeness is in her DNA. The only way for Black males to help her is to have contempt for her. To knock the bitch out when she displays mental illness. No understanding. No compassion. No sympathy no empathy. It’s “that’s why we deal with white females” or “sometimes you gotta knock a bitch out.” That “knockout” could be physical, verbal, financial, or effective acts of indifference. Just don’t care. Just don’t care what has happened and is happening in the life of a Black female to drive her ass “crazy.” Now whether Black males don’t care because they feel impotent to do anything about it, or they don’t care because they feel Black women are not worthy of their care, doesn’t matter. Understand that you “not caring” makes you a predator. It makes you clench your fist and hit a Black female in her face. It makes you stand by and laugh at such an act. It aids the mental illness of Black females because the one person who SHOULD understand and attempt to help her is busy punching her. But check this out: What are Black males going to do when Black females are no longer concerned about THEIR mental illnesses? When the beatings and the dope dealing and the pimping and the raping and the unemployment and the underemployment and the bending over for other males is no longer rationalized– ?

34 Responses to “Part 3: Crazy Nigga – understandable. Crazy Black Bitch – not so much Guest Post by LBM (Loves Black Men)”

  1. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    I should have thanked you for this before now, Big Jo. I hope our quoting of you relates appreciation. 🙂

  2. You cannot produce justice while violating a tenet of justice.

    Thank you so much for that, Big Jo.

  3. Jay in the black dimension,

    May I provide an analogy. Can you imagine someone has passed and you are at their funeral? A male comes up to deliver a eulogy. The person starts off the eulogy saying, “Susan endured a painful life just like my wife and begins to spend the entire time discussing the pain of his wife.” There would be no doubt that the speaker’s wife may indeed have had a painful life. But that wasn’t the time, the place nor the purpose for him to express the grievances he had for his deceased wife. That would be inappropriate and counterproductive towards the general purpose of someone’s eulogy.

    I think you may be experiencing something similar on this blog. These posts are intended to highlight the unique pain and trauma that black women have to endure as victims of white supremacy. Especially, the abuse they receive from black males as both the things they do AND things that THEY DO NOT DO. When I say things they do not do, I mean things like empathizing with the unique struggle that black women have to undergo.

    As stated by many of the lady writers on this site, they have no hesitance when empathizing with the plight of black males and providing any support needed.

    This is a non-reciprocal relationship. Reciprocity is one of the pillars of justice outlined by Ma’at. This only 1 example of a violation of justice (Ma’at). You cannot produce justice while violating a tenet of justice.

    I believe that’s one of the things that the ladies are trying to communicate. I could be wrong, as I am a male, and I do not have the relatively more evolved communication abilities as females do.

    Summarily, this topic is designed to address problems of black women in regards to White Supremacy. Lumping in or trying resurface the problems of black males, is inappropriate and counterproductive to the intended purpose as in the example of the incompetent eulogy speaker (i.e. the female writer who suspected that a form of derailment was taking place.)

    As a side note, this is evidence of saying my close female friend. Stating that, Black men do not listen to us. In order for black men to stop mistreating black women, it will require black men telling other black men to stop and pointing out their incorrect behavior. This is partially why I felt compelled to write this.

    As a person who is a member of a group who has victimized others, it is necessary for you to endure painful criticism (as black victims expect from white supremacists). Why? It is the correct thing to do. “We” effed up, we should AT LEAST be willing to take the pain of some minor gripes, and up to vitriolic diatribes. After all, we are partially involved at a group-level.

    They are our women. If we truly love them that much, we should be there for them, to share their pain. And the longing and hope to be active participants in bringing about the end to their suffering.

    I hope this clears up any confusion Jay.

  4. Kushite Prince Says:

    @ Jay Thanks. I think if we really want to overcome the disease known as white supremacy–we should all be allowed to express our viewpoint. From what I’ve seen Cree allows all bloggers to speak their minds.Even if they disagree with her. I’ve even seen a few white racists come on her site and she didn’t block them. But at the very least we should be able to agree to disagree. I think black men and women need to pull together if we want to beat this thing. Black men should be their to protect our women. And black women should have our backs and be supportive. Like I always say,all we got is us. Thanks again.

  5. Alchemist Says:


    Thank you for posting my comment. I don’t want to cause conflict among non-white people. There is nothing easy about life on the plantation. I think black men direct their frustration with the system of white supremacy on black women because we are easier and safer targets. It would be a tragedy if unity came at black women’s expense. The truth about black women’s lives has not really been told. I not sure if anyone is ready to hear it; anyone includes black women. I have a disability. Just getting out of bed in the morning and getting to work is a struggle. When we attempt to tell the truth about our lives black men say that we are throwing a pity party to shame us into silence. We love them so much it can be painful. A black man in his right mind is a sight to behold. That love, compassion and consideration is not always returned. When I listened to your blogtalk show on the bus incident I could hear the pain and disappointment in your voice.

  6. Jay in the Black Dimension Says:

    “I don’t think anyone can argue with that statement. No matter how you look at it–it makes black men and black women look BAD. No one wins in a situation like this. When you have incidents like this it always makes black people as a whole look like fools. Almost like a “ghetto minstrel show” for white people. *sigh*”

    Thank you Kusite Prince. This is the point that I was making and yet it seems that these post are not about open dialogue, but rather “agree with me or you’re wrong”. So if I or anyone else were point out that Black women’s dysfunction, which doesn’t necessarily manifest itself in the physical manner as a man’s does, but is just as detrimental to our overall well being, I get shot down an accused of avoiding the “bigger” (meaning women’s) issue. If you are just looking for people who agree with you and don’t really want differing opinions, then say so.

    “Cree, Jay is derailing the issues you brought up.
    We can do a body count and see if black women put as many black men in the emergency rooms as black men do. We can also count the number of black women that black men put in the ground.”

    “The black community gives more weight to the suffering of black men.”

    So this actually is a “I’m a bigger victim than you” game just as I’d suspected.

    Now I’m accused of derailing the issue for having a difference in opinion. What exactly is the issue because it seemed to me that there were several? So Alchemist you wrote that long response to say what we already know, and what no one is denying. That Black women suffer, often times at the hands of Black males. Is that what the issue is to you? Is the issue that Black men’s suffering is acknowledged while Black women’s suffering is not? If that is what you are implying then I disagree with you. Period.

    So Cree, if I’m correct you’re asking me if voilence against Black women is the TOP priority in the war against white supremacy above all else? If that is your question, then my answer is no. That is as clear as I can be. No it is not #1. Not because it isn’t important, but it’s hard to say what the #1 issue is.

  7. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    alphax2k, I must say: Thank you. “Less is more” applies.

  8. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    I don’t want to agree with you ALCHEMIST. I don’t want to. I want to take exception with something you said. But, I cannot take exception to anything in your last comment. This is where we stand. At the line. This is as far as black people go until we get our ,male-female relations right. We were the first people on the earth and we will be the first to establish justice or we will be no more.

  9. Kushite Prince Says:

    @ Cree Oh yeah,that picture above looks VERY disturbing to me. Like Malcolm X said– “If you’re black and born in America,you’re already born inside a prison”. True indeed.

  10. Kushite Prince Says:

    @ Jay
    “The video clearly shows TWO dysfunctional people involved in an altercation as well as a bunch of other dysfunctional people on the bus who seem to be amused by the situation.”

    I don’t think anyone can argue with that statement. No matter how you look at it–it makes black men and black women look BAD. No one wins in a situation like this. When you have incidents like this it always makes black people as a whole look like fools. Almost like a “ghetto minstrel show” for white people. *sigh*

  11. Kushite Prince Says:

    @Sister Truth Beautiful post! That was really on point sis. You did it again! 🙂

  12. For starters, I am a black male in his 20s from Africa. I have read Neely Fuller Jr’s workbook and countless other authors in the struggle to replace RWSWJ. I recommend that everyone read Fuller Jr’s work prior to commenting in order to appreciate and understand the effort or codified language of this blog and blogger known as Cree. This is not male bashing after all lest we forget a black female was bashed (via uppercut). Jay, what you must understand is that people are not just laughing at Shidea Lane’s brutalization and behaviour but Artis Hughes’ reaction (possibly losing a pension as well). Now that we know both individuals will be charged according to recent news; we must understand that this blog is not intended for conflict but for resolution.

  13. ALCHEMIST Says:

    Sister LaTeva Mabilijengo author of “The Black Women’s Agenda”. She is not a counter racist but has an interesting perspective.

  14. ALCHEMIST Says:

    Cree, Jay is derailing the issues you brought up.
    We can do a body count and see if black women put as many black men in the emergency rooms as black men do. We can also count the number of black women that black men put in the ground.
    When I was nine years old a classmate and her mother were burned alive my her father. My mother owned a daycare center in a black neighborhood in the south in the 1970s and 1980s ( the crack cocaine years). I saw mostly young mother struggling to raise their kids with little support from the fathers of the children. The young mother would drop the kids off in the mornings. The women would have black eyes and split lips. Sometimes they would have sore arms from their boyfriends twisting them. One women died when her boyfriend pressured her to having a back alley abortion. More than once my mother called CPS on parents. The little girls would attempt to describe how an older cousin or uncle was “touching” them. One 3 year old was dropped off with burns. A social worker trained my mother in how to spot signs of abuse. Daycare centers are the first line of defense in preventing the abuse of children and their moms. Two of the mothers were being pimped out by a “boyfriend” in the French Quarter to tourists. One social workers told us about having go that a maternity ward to take a new born into the state’s custody. The 21 year old mother was deranged, angry and spit in the social works face. She said,” I’ll just make another one if you take this one from me“. She did not slap or hit the deranged girl. By the age of 21 she had birthed 6 kids fathered by adult black men. The social worker said that giving birth so many times at such a young age had led to seizures. One of the dirties secrets is that half off all teenage mother are impregnated by adult black men in their late 20s and early 30s .

    I learned early from watching the goings on at a hood daycare that black women suffer and the roles that black men play in that suffering. it’s as if we are swimming in a large lake and trying not to drown. Meanwhile, black men are off to the side accusing us of not showing support by drying off their backs. The black community gives more weight to the suffering of black men. Discussions about black women’s lives are often derailed and re-routed to discuss how much black men are oppressed and emasculated.

    I think the glee at the sight of seeing a BM hit a BW comes from a dominate meme among BM. This meme is that BW have/are active collaborators with white men to emasculate and oppress them. Black men give their white goddess a pass. Haven’t you ever noticed that most of black males’ anger is directed a BW and WM? Remember according to Dr Eddie Moore, Jr. white women possess a soothing lotion for the BM ‘s soul. One the problems I’ve always had with the “Willie Lynch Letter” is that it pours a lot of blames into the laps of black women. I’ve read black men online using it as proof that BW are treasonous emasculating she-males. This reasoning is an attempt to explain our ability to find jobs, and our higher rates of college attendance. Any attempts to describe unique ways that racism/ white supremacy is practiced against BW will be invalidated as mere BM bashing. This is a rhetorical silencing device. How may of the males on this thread will tell us what BM say when there are no BW in the room.? Gus asks this question of WP. Black suffering has been normed around BM, and gendered as male. The mockery and ridicule that BW face doesn’t count as ‘real’ black suffering.

  15. The matter is not that both black males and black females are under assault. This is a fact. The matter is that this is not acknowledged, for the most part, as it pertains to one of us. And to say, when we ask to be recognized, that we’re playing the “who is more victimized” game actually proves the point. Because we can have hours of conversation about the threat against Black males with plenty of sisters testifying, myself included.

    Note: I’ve seen some funky things on NYC public transportation but I’ve never seen anything near this over someone not immediately paying the fare. I’ve been on buses on which women took 4-5 stops to finally dig up the fare. Something else was at play here – a few things. I truly believe that driver was spoiling for a reason to cap that young lady. And let’s not ignore that the hit itself wasn’t the end of his assault. No, he wasn’t treating her like a man and he knew so.

  16. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    I take that as a “no” to my first question

    Yes, I mean the people who say they are black males on the internet and in real time. While, I also suspect that there are a lot of pretend black males on the net, I am personally acquainted with many and this is the overwhelming opinion of most of them.—0ver 90%.. Most of that number just cannot bring themselves to say that the misconduct of Mr. Hughes hitting Ms. Lane is far more of a concern than Ms. Lane’s misconduct–as horrid as hers was.

    “I’m a bigger victim than you game”, eh? That’s the tactical equivalent of the “race card.” Say it’s a game and it seems like it’s one of many issues that can be “played” as the strong suit even if it isn’t. Justice requires that the people who most need help—in any given situation–receive the most help. PRIORITIZING.

    I am also interested in the root cause of the behavior. However, there are some behaviors we’re going to have to turn around without the original cause being removed. If we don’t, we’ll never eliminate this system of our domination. Solving problems is all it takes. And, prioritizing cannot be avoided in doing so.

  17. CREE-EIGHT Says:


  18. Jay in the Black Dimension Says:

    So because someone has never whipped out a camera phone and recorded a Black man hitting a white woman and because you haven’t heard of it means that it didn’t and won’t ever happen. This is a “fact”?

  19. Jay in the Black Dimension Says:

    (1) Is your opposition strong enough to prioritize it over the things you asked me about in your last comment?

    I am opposed to Black people harming and attacking each other period. The priority in my opinion is Black people cultivating our own system and society so that things like this don’t happen period. This whole senario should not be or representation to the world. This culture we practice is rotten to the core. So how do we correct bad male behavior (like a man hitting a woman with an uppercut) without correcting bad female behavior (in this case spitting and hitting)? You may believe different but, I don’t think that you can correct one without correcting the other. Because the same system that produces a woman that spits on a man is the same system that produces a man who punches a woman. I think we should observe the entire situation and look at it from both sides as well as the outside instead of playing the “I’m a bigger victim than you” game. It’s not like Mr. Hughes was punching random bus riders. I’m more interested in what is the cause of this confrontational and combative behavior between Black women and men and not attempting to throw a whole group under the bus. (Not saying that you are but it does happen).

    (2) Do you think that the fact that Mr. Hughes demonstrated that she “could not whoop a man” is the reason almost all black males are cheering his punch?

    You have to be more specific when you say “almost all black males are cheering his punch”. I don’t know how accurate that statement is and I don’t know what you’re basing it on. Who are these “almost all black males”. Are you talking about on the internet? I’m pretty sure that there are alot of “pretend” Black men online on sites like youtube and worldstar. In real life, I’ve run into a diverse array of opinions.

  20. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Oh, Jay in the Black Dimension, the fact that a white woman would not have been hit in the same scenario is not guess work. If a black male had EVER punched a non-black female like that it would’ve been all over FOX, CNN, and XYZ network. And, since we know of no such case, it, therefore, means that it hasn’t happened. Since it hasn’t happened, it is virtually certain that it would not have happened in The Cleveland Incident. Sorta like the proposition that I walked through an iron wall this morning. Theoretically possible— but that would be for someone who just does not have the grace to say, “I stand corrected.”

  21. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Since I know that conversation is reciprocal, Jay in the Black Dimension, I will answer your questions before I pose two to you, sir.

    (A) “your comments and some others seem to be pushing this idea that Black men are more effed up than Black women. If I’ve got you wrong, then I apologize.”

    I’ll take that as an implied question. No, I would not say that black males are more “effed” up than black females. I would say that males of every sort are more prone towards abusing others, especially physically. That is a fact of nature just as it is a fact of nature that males are fertile longer than females. So, black males do abuse each other and black females more than do black females. There is almost no comparison in the extent and frequency of males who hurt females to the converse. Females tend to take anger and frustration out on ourselves—which may have an indirect effect on other people. It is also a fact that females are more empathetic and adept at understanding other people than males. So, it is not surprising that black females would have to point out to you what is happening to get your understanding than vice versa. However, it is surprising that so many black males would be celebrating the thrill of seeing a female punched the way Ms. Lane was by a black male..

    (B) “where is your long post or response about the mentality of a woman so disrespectful that she would spit on another person?”—PRIORITIES. See (C) below.

    (C) “What about the not too small numbers of young Black women that act in similar fashion?”
    ALL hostile behavior of one black person toward another that is not purely defensive is incorrect and should be both condemned while, as much as possible, addressing the root mental health causes (ultimately that cause is the system of white domination.) Conflict amongst black people has been for some time as common as atoms colliding in the atmosphere. That’s a problem. When solving problems, one should start with the biggest one first. Black males abusing females is a much bigger problem than the converse. It’s of crisis proportions when the overwhelming majority of black males are celebrating incidents such as the one involving the persons being discussed here. PRIORITIES.

    (D) “I’ve seen young women (and men) disrespect elders more than a few times. Does that get you angry?” Yes.

    (E) “Are you outraged by the actual punch, or because it was a man that through it?” Without question, I am more outraged that a male threw the punch. Males, generally are MUCH stronger than females. Males are hormonally more aggressive than females. When it is acceptable and even lauded when a male hits a female, we’re about out of here. Nobody but black folks are in this frame of mind about their males punching their females.

    (F) “What would be the conversation if it were a 59 or 60 year old woman who chose to uppercut Shidea Lane? Would you be as mad, or would you not even write about it?” I would be perplexed and concerned. But, no, I would not write about it because there is no phalanx of older black females who would enact such violence on younger females and result in the applause. And, mostly because an older black female cannot with her hand do the kind of damage that a 59 yr-old male of Mr. Hughes’ size can do.

    As I’ve said here and on my radio program, my concern is mostly not about the principles, Ms. Hughes and Ms. Lane. My concern– my fear— as a black female is about the applause it is getting almost unanimously amongst black males.

    Jay in the Black Dimension, I’m glad to hear that you do not support violence against females. I have two questions for you now:

    (1) Is your opposition to violence against black females strong enough to prioritize it over the things you asked me about in your last comment?

    (2) Do you think that the fact that Mr. Hughes demonstrated that Ms. Lane could not “whoop a man” is the reason almost all black males are cheering his punch?

  22. Jay in the Black Dimension Says:

    I don’t know if you misunderstood me or if you just choose not to see a different point of view no matter what. So let me be clear.


    The matter of what is and what isn’t an “accurate critique” is up to the opinion the person who wrote it. I don’t have a facebook or twitter account. I don’t know what’s going on over there. I’m not using the fact that Black men face racism as well to justify this man’s actions or any man’s actions. Nor am I dismissing the terror that Black women face in this society. I think he handled it wrong. Period. But your comments and some others seem to be pushing this idea that Black men are more effed up than Black women. If I’ve got you wrong, then I apologize.

    But where is your long post or response about the mentality of a woman so disrespectful that she would spit on another person? She clearly wasn’t thinking about the possible consequences. Or maybe she was and didn’t care. Maybe she thought that she could “whoop on” a man.

    What about the not too small numbers of young Black women that act in similar fashion? I’ve seen young women (and men) disrespect elders more than a few times. Does that get you angry? Are you outraged by the actual punch, or because it was a man that through it? What would be the conversation if it were a 59 or 60 year old woman who chose to uppercut Shidea Lane? Would you be as mad, or would you not even write about it?

    The video clearly shows TWO dysfunctional people involved in an altercation as well as a bunch of other dysfunctional people on the bus who seem to be amused by the situation.

  23. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    “Racism is still alive in us as self hate..and we just laugh and jeer and puke it all over ourselfs..and of course the ones that can’t protect themselves the less get the hate the most.

    Imara, thank you for so succinctly summing up the case. Can it be? Can it? They we cannot even pretend to like ourselves more than white folks pretend to like us?

    Might I ask, BTW, are you male or female?

  24. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    As LBM says, the evidence is profuse that black females KNOW that black males are being abused, too. The difference is, generally, we do not also abuse black males.

    Any response on this blog, on Facebook, and other sites, that contain an accurate critique of the outraging punch is deemed as “black male bashing” — followed by the usual holding up of the daily abuse black males face. This is no different— in quality not quantity—than the way that black people’s complaints of being mistreated on the basis of color are seen as “reverse-racsim” or “anti-white” venom. And, no different than the usual conflating of the racism with general poverty, class, white female sexism, homophobia, etc.. People who are used to mistreating others for their own comfort tend to feel like it is THEY who are being mistreated when the specter is raised of the removal of the comfort they enjoy at the expense of others. And, they seem to actually feel like they have righteous indignation….(SMH)

  25. I am taken back at the travesty. I thought the black punched another female and that was not cool, and was going to jail for it. Even though he may have been provoked. What I didn’t know was she was black and that small that the response was she deserved it… What was more unreal was that most of the people that where black on the bus watched as spectators and cheered him on. Our self hate hasn’t let for each seems Racism is still alive in us as self hate..and we just laugh and jeer and puke it all over ourselfs..and of course the ones that can’t protect themselves the less get the hate the most.. I remember when I was young in junior high school up North and we would watch the films in Social Study of us being water hosed and the dogs biting on us and the police body slamming young black women and old black ladies and men..and bashing their rifles buts against the heads of the black young boys/men in class. And as I looked around the class..the black my kids would be laughing up a storm..while the white kids watched with horror!!

  26. Note: I’m not aware of anyone who has been spit on to death. I am aware of folk who have been killed by a single blow to the head. And these were folk of relatively the same size, not the 100lb difference in this case.

  27. Jay in the Black Dimension Says:

    Being a native and a resident of the city where this situation took place, a majority Black city, I can tell you that this story although extreme is no isolated incident. I am no stranger to public transportation and Black misbehavior is almost normal. I see young Black girls and women talking loud on the phone about sex and their baby daddy and “playing” guys out of their money and fighting. I see young Black boys and men talking about “hoes” and rapping explicit lyrics loud enough for everyone on the bus to hear and getting high and and how they “wish a nigga would” and so on.

    That fact remains that we as Black people devalue ourselves as well as everyone else in our community, point blank. It has become a way of life. So I don’t know what places you’ve called home in your life, but I haven’t been to one city where the Black women are devalued and at the same time the Black men are held in high regard. We are dependent upon whites and others to provide nearly everything for us so nobody really respects us and we don’t really respect each ourselves. We don’t have a culture of our own that supports our respect for and love of one another. Present day U.S. Black culture promotes hedonism, instant gratification, showing off, apathy and competing to out do each other.

    As for the assertion that had it been a white woman he would not have hit her, I don’t know and neither do any of you. You can speculate. We all can. But I’ve see Black men fist fight white police officers in public so it’s not a stretch to say hitting a white woman is possible.

    Same thing with the notion that had it been a man he would have reacted differently. I don’t know and neither do any of you. Unfortunately, Black males get into physical altercations with other Black males daily.

  28. I’m really having a problem with us not wanting to face the reality that has been and is Black female life in america. We’re already at the point of degradation. Missing Black females get none of the media attention missing white ones do. Although there’s more white women on welfare somehow the face of welfare is an overweight, dark complexioned Black woman – the same overweight, dark complexioned “mammy” created by white female and reinforced by jewllywood – now assaulted and laughed at in “black” movies. Black girls are raped and assaulted everyday by OLDER black males. 10 and 12 year old girls are being gang–raped and labeled “ratchet” and “fast”. What are we really talking about here? We have males of our own group despising our color, our hair, making fun of us.

    There’s no intention to black male bash. We are BEGGING OUR MEN to SEE US. To acknowledge us. To recognize that life for us “ain’t been no crystal stair” . To understand that a male who is not protective of his female will NEVER get respect in the world. And we want you to have respect in the world. We – I – want my brothas to GET IT, as I get it that we are BOTH being negatively conditioned against one another. What is called “bashing” – at least in this context – is simply a call for black women to stop supporting our own abuse which includes those black males who don’t want to recognize us and recognize the terror controlling both of us. If we can’t get that recognition we’re asking that those black males who have been accepting our support yet laughing at and condoning our abuse – step off. Step off and stop weighing us down – those of us, black females and males (like my husband of 20 years) who want to see an end to black males and females fighting at the front of the white man’s bus.

  29. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Jay in the Black Dimension, the criticism of the female’s actions are on this blog and ALL over the web. 99% of the commentary is focused on her behavior. But, it is a HEAVY, HEAVY lift to get people to see the obvious fact that as vile as her misbehavior was, it got demoted in importance when he threw that upper-cut in response. That stems from a deeply embedded devaluing of black females. As I’ve said so many times that it has become a mantra: Nobody would be in a frenzy applauding the driver’s actions if the lady had been anything but black—and that’s without regard to the driver’s color (classification).

    As far as your assertion that “it’s inaccurate to say that this man, or any other Black man doesn’t love Black women if they don’t see it a certain way.” — the math is the math. On the left side of the scale is the revulsion of someone’s saliva being hurled on ones’ face. On the right side of the scale is revulsion at pummeling a much smaller female. For every one except black people, the scale tips to the right.

  30. Jay in the Black Dimension Says:

    I’ve heard how it used to be common practice among Black people in Africa, to have rites of passage before one could enter into adulthood. What we seem to have now are people who are men, only because they have a penis and women, only because they have a vagina. It took me a while to understand this concept and now I see why it’s important.

    As for the topic at hand, it think it’s inaccurate to say that this man, or any other Black man doesn’t love Black women if they don’t see it a certain way. I don’t know this man. What I do know is that Black people mistreat each other on a daily basis. Men and women. What I do know is that growing a, most people I know were told by their parents “if someone hits you, you betta hit them back”. And the majority of the time that person hitting you looks like you or someone in your family.

    I have never uppercut and punched a woman in my entire life. Ever. But then again, I have never spat on anyone either. Many of the comments I have read on the last three post are speaking in a different language so to speak. The counter racist logic language. The average Black person has no clue who Neely Fuller Jr. is, let alone what it means to be codified. I haven’t read his book yet. I’ve only heard several of his interviews. You judge this man is if he knows or thinks about “replacing the system of white supremacy with justice” when he’s probably like a large portion of Black people who have a chip on their shoulder on don’t want to let anyone “get over on me”.

    These comments seem to be turning into Black man bashing. Calling his punch attempted murder is really over doing it. I understand the criticism of this man for overreacting as he should be criticized. But where is the critique of this woman who thought it was Okay to spit on him.

  31. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Right on target, diaryofanegress. Hence, Madea, Big Mamma’s House, Harlem Nights, etc.

  32. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    So, HunglikeJesus, did your last comment contain the thoughts contained in the deleted ones? On this matter, I’m taking a census. Side-lining and fence-sitting on this thing is, to my mind, predatory. Can’t account for the reasons for silence of each and every person who usually has something to say about our condition either here on this blog, on FB, or CREE radio. But, amongst them, for sure are A LOT of fence sitters except, I’m quite sure, in private.

  33. diaryofanegress Says:

    I posted about this last night:

    Here’s my take on this…..bear with me.

    1. The driver would not have hit her if she was a white female. No argument there. But there is another sinister reason why violence against black women is now “laughable.”

    2. White Supremacy, the driving force behind the media, is slowly indoctrinating us to the normalcy of black female violence. I said last night to one of my commenters, “Wait…soon the rape of a black woman will be televised and mocked.”

    Why am I making such shocking statements?

    Because once the black woman is degraded to the lowest common denominator and people view it as “normal behaviour” in society and turn the blind eye, the black community, will perish. You cannot have a black family structure without the woman being present. This attack on black female-hood is just the beginning.

  34. After writing this comment atleast three times and deleting them as to not offend, I decided that it’s not gonna work that way. Just keep my thoughts to myself and not add to the noise, but search for the signal.

    LBM and Ms. CREE, you keep giving us your Black thoughts. I really look up to you two.

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