Black Male Hits a Black Female, He’s a Hero. Black Male Hits a Non-black Female, He’s a Thug.

A black female passenger who, on September 18, 2012, spat in the face of the Cleveland bus driver who was much bigger than her.
A light-skinned, straight-haired “Puerto Rican” female parade-goer threw liquid –saliva, urine??–on the enforcement official who was much bigger than her.
You can watch videos of each by clicking on the picture of each female above.

Lets’ compare the facts and the public reactions to the two events:

In the Cleveland Incident, the bus driver intentionally threw a closed-fisted, upper-cut punch to the jaw of the female passenger.
In the Philadelphia incident, the police officer slapped the mouth of the female and may have done it intentionally.
In the Cleveland Incident, the bus driver could have put the passenger off the bus and/or called enforcement officials.
In the Philadelphia incident, the police officer was the enforcement official assigned to that parade.
After the Cleveland Incident video/story, I could find no reader/viewer on Huffington Post or YouTube who found fault with the driver’s reaction as a use of excessive force.
After the Philadelphia incident, about 70% of the comments on Huffington Post or YouTube found fault with the officer’s reaction because it was an excessive use of force.
After the Cleveland Incident, almost all of the comments applauded the driver’s punch.
After the Philadelphia incident, I did not see any comments that applauded the slap.
After the Cleveland Incident, there were many comments that falsely embellished the known facts in favor of the male by stating that the passenger punched the driver, grabbed and broke his cell phone, and/or punched him in the face.
After the Philadelphia incident, there were many comments that falsely embellished the known facts in favor of the female by stating that the parade-goer threw nothing at the police and/or that the officer “punched” the lady when he clearly made contact with an open hand.
After the Cleveland Incident, I did not see a single comment that the driver should not have hit a much smaller female.
After the Philadelphia incident, there were numerous comments that the officer should not have hit a much smaller female.
After the Cleveland incident, there were no comments that the driver should lose his job.
After the Philadelphia incident, about 70% of the comments stated that the officer should lose his job.
After the Cleveland incident, the driver was suspended but not yet fired.
After the Philadelphia incident, the officer was fired.
After the Cleveland incident, there were no comments that the driver should go to prison.
After the Philadelphia incident, about 70% of the comments advocated that the officer go to prison.

Hit a black female, you’re a hero. Hit a non-black female, you’re a thug. That’s to be expected from white folks.


Many thanks to loyal reader and listener, M1, for the ammunition.

22 Responses to “Black Male Hits a Black Female, He’s a Hero. Black Male Hits a Non-black Female, He’s a Thug.”

  1. I am very late to this conversation but I want to share a story about an incident I had in Baltimore with a Black Male bus driver. During the summer of 2010 I lived in Baltimore to work as an organizer for a human rights organization that worked with mostly Black low-wage workers. I was excited to be in Baltimore since I heard that many of the African-Americans in that city where conscious and this city is a hub for “conscious” teachers, events, natural hair, etc. Being from NYC I am used to buying metro cards for the bus and train and they last until you use them and not being a driver I brought a bus pass in Baltimore and tried to use it the next day on a bus outside of downtown Baltimore where I worked, the pass expired but I didn’t know until I tried to use it on the bus. I was polite and tried to explain that I was from NYC and didn’t know that it would not work the next day. Mind you I am very soft spoken naturally and look much younger than my actual age (at the time I was 28 but looked more like 18-20) (I say all of this to debunk certain stereotypes and to show if the real issue was “ratchet” behavior than why do certain things happen across the board to Black women. I personally think no person should be disrespected regardless of class, etc and I don’t believe in terms like ratchet or thug as I am from a poor background and organize other poor people but classism among Black people is a different post). Though I was very polite the driver allowed me to sit down and drove a few stops and demanded that I pay but I had already explained that I didn’t know the card expired and I didn’t have change so he made me get off in the middle of nowhere and I had to walk for about an hour back to my job because I couldn’t get a cab, this was an older black bus driver that felt ok letting a young woman be in that situation and I didn’t know Baltimore and yet everyone knows one turn and I could have been in dangerous neighborhood. I say all of this to say that disrespect happens to Black women regardless of how they present or how nice they are. When I called my roommate a Black female she angrily asked what race was the bus driver (she thought he was white) and sadly I had to tell her that it was a Black bus driver. She and I talked about the issue of colorism that summer and sometimes I don’t think she believed me (she was lighter than me) so she didn’t believe stories of the way Black males would treat me versus her reality. I am dark-skin and in the summer spending a great deal of time outside I get darker (which I like) but I do wonder if my skin-tone and natural afro also played into the bus driver feeling ok kicking me off. I was in no way disrespectful and it wouldn’t have killed him to let me ride knowing that I had an expired pass and was from out of town I am certain that if I was a white girl from out of town he would have understood my situation. We need to start telling the truth about these incidents I rarely even share this story because it hurts me deeply when my femininity is not respected by Black men but this is one of many stories that I a extremely polite Black woman have about being treated rudely or disregarded by Black males and yes White people are the problem and I have incidents with them too (but I have low expectations for how they will treat me) but when are we going to be the solution?

  2. […] Black Male Hits a Black Female, He’s a Hero. Black Male Hits a Non-black Female, He’s a Thug. «…. […]

  3. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    AfriHotep, being black and being white is a comparative thing like being smart or fast. It is based on function at a given time. I.e., how she is treated/mistreated . If Gusman had been black in relation to this incident, the public reaction to her being struck at that parade would have been nearer to that of Lane’s being struck on that bus.

  4. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Look at the video agian, Afrihotep. In 00:00 to 00:01, Gusman can clearly be seen throwing some kind of liquid at the officers. And, at any rate, even if she had not thrown anything, if the officer reasonably believed that she had, then there was no basis for the firing–just as a white officer who claims to have mistakenly believed that a black male suspect had a gun not does not lose his job for acting upon a reasonable belief. As I said in this post:

    “After the Cleveland Incident, there were many comments that falsely embellished the known facts in favor of the male by stating that the passenger punched the driver, grabbed and broke his cell phone, and/or punched him in the face.
    After the Philadelphia incident, there were many comments that falsely embellished the known facts in favor of the female by stating that the parade-goer threw nothing at the police and/or that the officer “punched” the lady when he clearly made contact with an open hand.”

  5. And according to the case with Ms. Guzman she did not do anything. What happened was that someone threw something at a police officer and he turned around and ASSumed that the woman threw that something at him but it turns out he attacked the wrong person. He went after the wrong person. That’s why they probably fired him.

  6. That woman whom you describe as non-black could be black herself. Puerto Ricans are also of “black” African descent also in varying degrees. That woman whom you describe as non black could be black identified herself since Hispanic/Latin@ and Puerto Rican are NOT races.

  7. I don’t think she deserved to be handled that way either. BTW, would anyone characterize the treatment she received as being “treated like a man?”

    Are there any petitions to get the cop’s job back?

  8. Oh what a world, what a world, what a world:(

  9. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    LBM, I do not think the non-black female deserved to be slapped in that manner. However, I’m not clear from the video that the officer intended to make the kind of contact that he did. The way he looked at his hand right after the slap and the awkward position he had as she was moving make me wonder.

  10. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    THAT is such a GOOD POINT, LBM!!! The spitting could not be seen on the video. The video doesn’t show it. Witnesses on the police report state that they witnessed her spitting on him. But, how could they have seen it since it was obscured by the divider between the driver’s seat and the passenger area. Hmmm, was that my own bias against black females/ black people that caused me to assume the spitting as a fact?

  11. Did the non-Black female deserve to be slapped in that manner?

    Note: Has anyone but the Cleveland bus driver verified that he was spat upon?

  12. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    ooops, getjusticeordietrying. I see I made a typing error in the post. I wrote that “the police officer was suspended but not yet fired” and that “the driver was not fired. I have corrected the post to read that the bus driver was suspended but not yet fired and that the police officer was fired.

  13. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    getjusticeordietrying, glad to hear that you are inspired to speak (through writing) to counter-racism again. I am aware that the bus driver was suspended. The post states such. To my knowledge, he has not been fired yet. To my knowledge the EO has been fired.

  14. Great Observation CREE. This was constructive. I do not agree with anyone who says that the E.O. used excessive force on that person. These days any kind of unknown liquid is potentially dangerous and when thrown on anyone without their permission is considered an assault. I suspect where the cooperation with white supremacy comes in is when the decision makers in the case, decide if the E.O. used excessive force because Ms. Guzman is a light skinned person, which we all know is the reason why many don’t SEE the affect of White Supremacy involved. Not sure if your aware that the Bus Driver was suspended by the decision makers in his case. I suspect that the E.O. involved will endure some type of punishment as well. It does not matter. Under the system of Racism (White Supremacy) the “Black” male is damned if does and damned if he doesn’t, when it comes to the decision makers. What people like us (who are allowed to voice our opinions and have no power to make decisions in such matters) think does not matter to the Racists (White Supremacists). I am inspired to write by you again.

  15. “typo” i meant you know why?

  16. @truthbetold
    i feel you and feel the same way, if the creator didn’t give us the ability to genetically mutate we probably wouldn’t be in this mess! every once in a blue moon i sit back and wonder will we ever get out of this crazy mess. sometimes i just have to laugh because sometimes things just seem unreal. i’m tired of seeing blk boys and girls growing up in this mess and the hole just seem to be getting deeper and deeper. but whether we like it or not, the reality is white supremacy is here to stay. it’ll probably be another -100-years before we start making some leeway. you why? because we see them as gods (the ones who don`t understand what time it is) makes me sick sometimes.


    This habit has to be learned like any other. Great, redeeming advice and very effective I might add. I’ll share my personal experience as proof that it works.

    When I got rid of cable TV, magazine subscriptions and other brainwashing media, I noticed that something strange happened. My brain-computer “tweaked” and demanded that I replenish it with either the same poisonous content of which I was trying to rid myself or new, fresh data. Ironically (as well as miraculously) I gradually began reading, visually digesting and listening to quality media content that brought me to the realization we all share on this blog today. It didn’t happen overnight, and the onslaught and “free” offerings” of cancerous content got greater as I began to become fully aware of its danger to my psyche, personal behavior and interactivity with others. Anyone doubts the power that media has on the brain is either in denial, has a substantial vested interest in its financial rewards or just hopelessly brainwashed.

    The scientific underpinnings of media absorption and the damaging effects that it is having on “u-s” is something that I feel needs to be thoroughly researched and examined, especially for the sake of our youth. Everybody has their eyes fixated on that smartphone-HDTV-tablet screen, which in a sense makes you sort of a “slave” to the god called media, especially of the kind discussed here.

  18. Kushite Prince Says:

    True indeed! I have a childhood friend that’s a cop. And he tells me it’s hard to get respect from his fellow officers. He also said there’s “code of silence” you don’t break. Black cops have it rough on the inside.

  19. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    You gave me a word truthbetold. And, I thank you for it. That should save me a least a few million heartbeats

  20. truthbetold Says:

    CREE, when I came to a realization that many of us won’t be saved and frankly, do not deserve to be saved, I sighed a sigh of relief. Sometimes, the wolf actually helps the herd…if you know what I’m saying.

    Whites are not ever going to stop until they kill off everything on the face of this earth, including themselves for destruction is apart of their cellular make-up.

    As for us…*sigh*

    Just focus on those of us that are able to see The Beast for what it is. Black people are infected with a European curse called self-loathing. Some of us are slowing healing ourselves, some are too infected and just need to rest in peace.

    When I realized I too was infected, I went mad.

    Jah helped me come back but now…when I see I’m around other hopelessly infected blacks, I run like the wind away from them. Whites know that their regime can’t and WON’T last so now, they’re getting crafty…

    But have no fear, ma’am.
    You’ll be just fine.

  21. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Yes, KP, when the officer is black and the female is not, fear/contempt for the black male takes over.

    If President Obama ain’t in charge of anyone white, you know that black officers do not have the power of “The Force” behind them.

  22. Kushite Prince Says:

    That’s a very good observation. It’s almost like night and day. It’s strange how most people were upset and wanted the cop fired. Not the same reactions for the bus driver. It just goes to show you the mindset instilled in people living in America. The belief that the gutter mouth,ghetto black woman deserved to get punched. But the fragile defenseless (white looking)Puerto rican woman didn’t deserve that type of abuse. Especially from the hands of a black man. Can you say double standard?? This case also shows you that even when a black man has a badge,it doesn’t carry much weight. If he had been a white cop I doubt there would have been much outrage. I could be wrong,but I doubt it.

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