“Criminal Justice is an Oxymoron”- and Other Reflections of the Never-Fun-House of White Domination

A black male associate of mine said the following to me and some other black people a couple of days ago:

“Another twist to what’s going on; each and every time one of these killings happen, you see this so-called leadership run as fast as they can to the white media. Why I do not know because I only see them either getting thrown further under the bus, made to look quite illiterate, and contributes to NOTHING getting accomplished! How do you run to your murderer to plead your case? I’m confused as hell right now.”

That’s the way this deceptive house of distorted mirrors works. It makes you think that down is up, that out is in, that the illogical is logical. My associate is only confused because, in this particular room of the not-ever-fun-house, he is walking out and so many other black people are in a daze continually walking into the room and slamming into glass and mirrored walls.

This is the same madness that has hold of the so-called Native Americans who, for a couple of centuries now, have been pleading their case, literally, for their sovereignty before white judges. If you’re sovereign, what jurisdiction would anyone else have over you?

? ?

“Black people” of all shades (people who are not white) will be on our way when we can take a slap from white folks; a slap that produces blood, even death— and HONESTLY admit that we are not in a position to do ANYTHING about it. Only then will we do the hard work to GET in a position to do something about the murder, rape, and theft of black people everyday but happens to make the morning news here and there.

Getting the PHYSICAL power to deal with these savages is not as simple as getting guns and bullets. Muammar Quaddafi, Sudaam Hussein, and the Black Panthers had guns and bullets.

Working on now nonexistent technologies like “remote viewing neuromelanostimulators” (telepathy powered by melanin), melanomagneticforce fields, time gappers– hold more promise than guns and bullets, or even nukes. Something. Something new. Something that cannot be used against us even if these oxyhominoids (white folks) know all about it. It will take imagination, testing, and strategy to produce an effective PHYSICAL defense that our opponent cannot breach. That’s the mission.

Instant gratification from statements about what we’re “not going to take” are not going to stop anything. Get real. We ARE going to take it— until we have a defense more powerful than their weapons. We can wait on it or work on it. And, every person has to decide which strategy suits them. Let’s just stop deluding ourselves that pleading with white folks— whether in courts of law, in front of cameras, or on the steps of any capitol— is anything more than high-energy waiting.

Pleading can only be effective when the body you’re pleading with has some ultimate regard for you.

26 Responses to ““Criminal Justice is an Oxymoron”- and Other Reflections of the Never-Fun-House of White Domination”

  1. Kushite Prince Says:

    I agree totally! You’re right there no way supreme!lol But I understand what Cree is saying in her post. She just means they are dominating at the present time. But I see the point both of you are making.

  2. BTW: “mailkar” is “Amilkar” (typo…lol!)

    We agree, CREE, on all three terms and there relative meanings in this context. Maybe I just interpretted the term “supreme” in the wrong way. I don’t object to another SOR victim using certain terms, and I am always, always, always in “learning mode” because there is so much to learn about this particular system.

    Again, the best weapons anyone of us has in defense against SOR is a powerful, clean, undrugged and thinking mind, acute observations of RM/RW characteristics and behavior patterns and continuous planning for our survival and that of future geneartions. It has been well documented of the certain and systematic efforts attempted to rid this world of Black people, i.e. medical expeimentations and outright abuses against our ancestors (“Medical Apartheid” by Harriet Washington and “Fatal Invention” by Dorothy Roberts.)

    IMO, there is nothing more powerful than remembering the past and reinsuring that those tragic episodes don’t happen to us again.
    Each response to your blog is an opportunity to learn how I relate to yourself and other readers. Again, we are all victims, emerging from a long, long sleep. There is always much to learn and no time for petty nit-picking. This is not to say that you or others are doing this (lol!) Our strengths, confidence and hopes in dealing with SOR comes through from these types of hard-nosed, realistic, no-B.S., take-no-prisoners dialogue presneted here on your blog. I welcome your criticism. It makes us all better thinkers and doers in the long run.

    All I can is thank you and keep it coming!

  3. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    mailkar, thank you for your thoughtful expressions of views here. It has been my experience, malikar, that people who are not white object most to the following terms when another victim uses them to describe the white folks who dominate us (listed from most objected to least):

    Most Attractive

    Most of the time, these objections stem from differences in the way the term is defined. When I say “supreme” to describe white dominators collectively, I mean that there are no people who do not ultimately answer to them. I.e., that they are the most powerful. I do not mean that they do mot make mistakes; that they do not do some stupid and silly things or that they cannot be removed from the supreme position. If I thought the latter, this blog would not exist.

    When I say “smartest”, I mean most able to do what they wish.

    When I say, “most attractive,” I mean most able to get people to come to you for anything—including sex.

    The three are , of course, interrelated.

  4. mailkar Says:

    You’re argument is valid, and there’s much truth to nearly all that you’ve mentioned about white “supremacy”.

    But history shows that you don’t stay on top of the food chain forever. (lol!) One superpower/nation/ethnic class is almost always succeeded by another, as you might have learned.

    The other aspect of these people’s behavior is that of describing their actions as “supreme”. I don’t know but lately, a lot of powerful white folk have been doing some of the most outrageous, stupid and silly shit that has been characterized in complete contrast with the adjective “supreme”. Having sex with your grandma or offspring or animals is not what I would classify as “supreme”.

    After stealing the presidential election of 2000, the bush administration, with swollen heads full of arrogance, profiled the u.s. as a forceful, brutal, globally-dominant and militarily-powerful superpower, only to have mired the u.s. into two fully-engaged wars that have drained all of it national resources to almost nil (and continues to do so to this day!) Even eisenhower warned his fellow white folks back in the day of the dangers of not having self-control, international diplomatic prudence and the unrelentless necessity of planning, planning, planning. Again, what’s “supreme” about about a bunch of white men with political/military power that, in the end, resulted in thecreation of “more” enemies than before 9/11?

    Greedy, narrow-minded and shortsighted white men in investment banking, government and financial services were so imbued and blinded with the lust of money, money, money that they forfeited the economic potential and financial resources of an entire generation, and simultaneously drained the entire world economy, bringing other wealthy nations as well as poor ones to their knees with the 2nd Global Depression.

    All done, mind you, by the same white men and women that everyone keeps calling “supreme”.

    It is going to take years before the u.s. will emerge from its debtor status as it continues paying China nearly tens of billions in interest payments alone annually. By the time the u.s. can get an economic bearing, it will be too late, as another superpower planned for the long term, increased its savings, produced “tactile”, glbally-marketable products and services and increased its diplomacy by making wise, pertinent decisions and engagements with other countries

  5. Kushite Prince Says:

    @ Cree We live, learn, and work in a system of white supremacy that is meant to destroy everything that challenges the idea that white is right. More Black men and women will be wrongly imprisoned or killed. More Black children will be wrongly diagnosed with being learning disabled or “aggressive”. More of us will die from preventable disease, more of us will be forced into foreclosure and financial default, more of us will be unemployed, disenfranchised, and wrongfully sent to death row.

    And heres a secret: its supposed to be that way.

    This world is built on a white values system that underlies a psychology of white supremacy. Heres how it works;

    White supremacy minimizes other cultures, and dehumanizes non-whites. By dehumanizing an entire group of people, it is easier to mistreat them, kill them, exploit them, or “civilize” them. White supremacy also grants white cultures privilege over other cultures.

    In short, White supremacy is the belief that white is right;

    With the assumption that white is right, police will kill Black men, women and children without fear of punishment.
    With the assumption that white is right, Black men and women will choose a relationship with a white man or woman over a black one.
    With the assumption that white is right, Black men and women will accept the spiritual teachings given to them by their captives, but will reject any teachings that are based on African spirituality.
    With the assumption that white is right, Black men and women will wrongly believe that the white system is the right system, and will go to college, slave for their entire life, and die with little to show for it.

    The wrong assumption that white is right leads us to believe that Black is wrong. As a result, lawmakers are able to pass laws reminiscent of Jim Crow era policies that lead to hundreds of thousands of wrongful convictions. School psychologists are able to disenfranchise and mentally enslave Black students with special education diagnoses and mandatory psychotropic drug prescriptions. Politicians are able to persuade Black men and women to side with them en-masse without offering anything in return. Physicians are able to administer inferior services, or life threatening misdiagnosis. Hell, even waiters can refuse to serve a Black table, because “those people dont tip”.

    And in the case of Trayvon Martin (and Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, James Brissette, Ronald Madison, Aiyana Jones, Kathryn Johnston, and so many others), police – and neighborhood watchmen – are able to kill with impunity with the assumption that Black life is cheap.

  6. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Amilkar: “My interpretation of this quote is that there lies within us an untapped, extremely-spiritual, extraterrestrial element/aura/power that we haven’t discovered, and very unique to us. I once heard Dr. Frances Cress Welsing during a discussion say that we (humans)are only using 10% of our overall brain power. Can you imagine what the world would be like if humans were rid of this mental gutter of competition, hatred, poverty and destructive behavior?

    Another thought to ponder would be this: is this the realization that is pre-empted through mis-education, to keep us from discovering individually and collectively?”

    Yes. Yes. Exactly. You understand. You understand?

  7. I agree, our power lies in our minds, which is why this system tries to control them. Otherwise, it wouldn’t matter what we thought as long as they had enough guns and bullets to keep us in line.

  8. oh yeah, got to check out Cree7’s blog. 🙂

    I love the way she thinks — and writes.

  9. Amilkar Says:

    “Working on now nonexistent technologies like “remote viewing neuromelanostimulators” (telepathy powered by melanin), melanomagneticforce fields, time gappers– hold more promise than guns and bullets, or even nukes. Something. Something new. Something that cannot be used against us even if these oxyhominoids (white folks) know all about it. It will take imagination, testing, and strategy to produce an effective PHYSICAL defense that our opponent cannot breach. That’s the mission.”

    I think that you are on to something very real here. I agree that conventional means of defense are not practical in todays’ world, especially with all of the challenges we face. One of the objectives within our mission as Black people is the “preservation” of life, not its destruction, which is the ultimate result of the utilization of nuclear warheads and other life-destroying armaments.

    My interpretation of this quote is that there lies within us an untapped, extremely-spiritual, extraterrestrial element/aura/power that we haven’t discovered, and very unique to us. I once heard Dr. Frances Cress Welsing during a discussion say that we (humans)are only using 10% of our overall brain power. Can you imagine what the world would be like if humans were rid of this mental gutter of competition, hatred, poverty and destructive behavior?

    Another thought to ponder would be this: is this the realization that is pre-empted through mis-education, to keep us from discovering individually and collectively?

    Is the act of becoming momentarily “enlightened” with new ideas, for example, just a glimpse or a twinkle of a whole new mental/psychological/cognitive discovery that’s yet to be realized?

    “The mind is a terrble thing to waste.” Indeed, and it is the “only” weapon that we have left. The proliferation of mind-altering, government-sanctioned drugs should arouse the attention of anyone who knows the value of having/maintaining/nuturing one’s sanity.

  10. Amilkar Says:

    Absolutely agreable, especially with the cashing in on “wolf tickets” (lol!)

    The best defense that anyone of us can have is the thinking mind. Unfortunately, the majority of SOR victims have been damaged psychologically.

  11. Great observation LBM. Don’t forget China, too.
    You don’t see the u.s. “bullying” nor “threatening” China as they are doing/have done with Iran and Libya, respectively.

    The u.s. is becoming more and more transparent in its international profile as just aniother bully who will be challenged by some unknown and unexpected nation, just as it happens on the schoolyard. So are the participants in the SOR who continually victimize Black and other People of Color unnecessarily around the globe with acts of injustice. This type of expected behavior comes from the root of self-hatred, which why it is so important (really!) for Black people, in this country particularly, to not imitate these type of behavior patterns. again, as we have been told for millenium, it’s self-destructive to hate the gifts given to you by The Creator. Anyone who first loves themself have no problem with differences inherent in others. Where’s the threat when you can easily consider and care for another’s welfare as you do for yourself?

  12. Kushite Prince Says:

    Hi Pam! Imagine seeing you here.lol Good to see you.

  13. Kushite Prince Says:

    @Cree Great post! You hit the nail on the head. Amerikkka has a Justice Department but NOT a system of justice. We’re living in the belly of the Beast. The Trayvon Martin case breaks ny heart. And I understand why people are so upset. But the real question is….How do you get justice from the unjust?

  14. most white people are aware of this race mixing and if it continues there will be no more full blooded or in this case white people aka. white genocide……now the second verison of white genocide is white culture….which is really just white sumperacy culture {white power) white people have so much anger towards the jews at this point because they are claiming that the jews are destroying white nations …By war and immigration of non white people

  15. Yes cree….(im still studying about this but this is what has come up so far right now). as we all know by now white people do not like the idea of half white children. america is a melting pot and most white people in america most likely but not all now have mixed race or colored relatives… this is most likely because of constant exposure towards different races of people.

  16. Thanks, Cree

    (still waiting on Asia to explain the “two versions of white genocide…”)

  17. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Always glad to hear form you, Pam. You have that knack for “makin’ it plain.”

  18. Another thought-provoking post (as always)

    I wholeheartedly agree that it’s well past time to move beyond selling “wolf tickets” and writing checks our butts can’t cash.

    I have heard comments from black people about ‘what white people better do” OR “if white people don’t arrest Zimmerman…” and so on as though white people are scared of retribution from us,

    That’s not real talk. We can’t make white people “do” anything. What we can do is control ourselves, our reactions, and what strategies we need to deal with this system.

    Also, I enjoyed the commentary from other posters. It’s nice to know there are people who are thinking (and seeing) outside the programmed script that most of us follow 24-7.

  19. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Your positions are well reasoned, LBM. We prolly know where we agree and disagree on this one. We both agree that expecting these folks to stop because we are pleading with them or yelling at them ain’t gonna cut it. I think that Iran and Cuba are heavily peopled with folk who are not the arch enemies that we are. While Iraq and Libya are. Our differences, however, are not the kind that stop the movement toward our shared goal, IMO.

  20. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    “two verisons of white genocide.” ?? Could you explain what you mean by that, asia?

  21. i have also found that…they have two verisons of white genocide. now that blew my mind……

  22. I whole heartedly agree miss cree….this is why black people should be learning to know white peoples weaknesses. so far ive been watching an studying white peoples current behavior. they at this moment are now in fear of so called white genocide…. fear of no more white people on earth…well what would happen if black people got ahold of a weapon that could wipe them out.

  23. The U.S. and Israel has weapons far superior to those of Iran. However, Iran has let it be known – we’re not afraid to die, especially if it can be done on our feet-not on our knees and more especially if we can take a number of you out along with us.

    Cuba certainly doesn’t have the weapons that the U.S.(anti-humans) have yet the sheer EXAMPLE of existing without the foot of the U.S. in their neck is a shiv up the U.S. backside. Why? With the superior weaponry and economy and “freedoms”–why is the U.S. so threatened?

    Black folk have yet to make the anti-humans in the least bit uncomfortable. We have yet to show a love and respect for our selves, our life, our living to summon the natural and supernatural help that will come to us once we show respect for our life. One way to show respect for our life is to stop speaking to anti-humans in a language that they are not capable of understanding. Sociopaths don’t feel empathy, sympathy, or remorse.

  24. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Indeed and you’re welcome, sir.

  25. screwutoo Says:

    At the risk of being misunderstood and not understood, I’ll toss my hat into this ring. **hat tip:
    Steven Pinker and Ms. CREE for the intro, very good Sista**

    It’s very clear to me and have been for just a little while that what we have here is a classic case of the Hegelian Dialectic at work. They give us the problem, the reaction and the solution and we like trained seals, fall right in line.

    What’s the difference between this dead nigger and countless other dead niggers on countless deadend streets in countless other deadend cities? I’ll tell you–nothing. Lest we forget this is an election year and in an election year you liable to hear an see anything and especially if that anything involves race. Of course this is over simplification of this tragic case, but don’t they over simplify all of our cases.

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