San Antonio Spurs Coach Pop: Supreme Manager of Black Cock-y-ness

Spurs head coach, Gregg Popovich, talking.  Tim Duncan listening.

Spurs head coach, Gregg Popovich, talking. Tim Duncan listening.

Spurs power forward/center, Tim Duncan, at media conference after game 1 of the 2013 NBA finals series with Miami Heat. Emphatically style-less in plaid shirt

Spurs power forward/center, Tim Duncan, at media conference after game 1 of the 2013 NBA finals series with Miami Heat. Emphatically style-less in plaid shirt.

Gary Neal, undrafted Spurs role player after a had a break-out game 3 in the 2013 NBA finals against Miami Heat.  emphatically style-less in plaid shirt.

Gary Neal, undrafted Spurs role-player after a had a break-out game 3 in the 2013 NBA finals against Miami Heat. Emphatically style-less in plaid shirt.

Dressing stylishly for media events after games implies pride and confidence. Confidence, in any amount, in a black male is cocky-ness to white men. White folks’ chief complaint (only complaint?) against world MMA champions Anderson Silva and Jon Jones, and 4-time NBA MVP, LeBron James is that they are COCKY. I suspect that the reason that Spurs players dress down in post-game media conferences is that white “Coach Pop” (Popovich) rewards and enforces an “aw shucks, tuck in your confidence/cock” demeanor on the black Spurs players. Confidence in any amount in black people makes the black person a target for greater abuse. And, when it is in black men, it is, of course, berated as damnable cockiness. Everyone knows black men have big ones. I guess that’s why Ginobili, the Spurs best white player, has the biggest salary in order to compensate for his lack of cock-y-ness compared to Parker and Duncan.

Danny Green, who along with Gary Neal was a no-marquis player who shot the lights out last night in game 3 of the NBA finals, is “the only player in the history of the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) with 1,000 points, 500 rebounds, 250 assists, 150 three-pointers, 150 blocks and 150 steals. He won the NCAA men’s basketball Division I national championship in his senior year at UNC and played in his first NBA finals in 2013 with the San Antonio Spurs.” Still, according to, the Spurs “couldn’t stand him… didn’t like his attitude and didn’t think he’d fit in with their team-oriented culture.” Green, then, left a voice-mail message for “Pop” saying, “I’ll do whatever you need me to do. Rebound, defense, towel boy, water boy … whatever you need me to do, I’m going to do that.” Ole Pop gave Green second and third chances after that—- the third time having his former white college coach at North Carolina vouch to “Pop” for his “attitude adjustment.”


In circumstances such as these, when black men are pulling down millions of dollars, white men feel strategically re-assured when black men date and marry white women as bed-side overseers. Being reassured that these black men want so desperately to please white folks. So, should we be surprised?……

 Spurs game 3 hero, Gary Neal, who says he wanted to come back to the states from Europe so he could "start a family."

Spurs game 3 hero, Gary Neal, who says he wanted to come back to the states from Europe so he could “start a family.”

 Duncan and wife----They're divorcing. Bet we won't hear anything about how she "doesn't deserve" the child support and spousal support Duncan forks out to her.

Duncan and wife—-They’re divorcing. Bet we won’t hear anything about how she “doesn’t deserve” the child support and spousal support Duncan forks out to her.

Being born into a system that allows white folks to so effectively punish black men for healthy confidence is the reason I blame white folks (and that includes the blonde “wives” shown below) not Mr. Duncan, Mr. Neal, or Mr. Green for all the tragic facts discussed in this post.

Goooooooooooooooo HEAT!

20 Responses to “San Antonio Spurs Coach Pop: Supreme Manager of Black Cock-y-ness”

  1. rbrownes Says:

    Been away for a long time but really liked your message, Cree. And you’re right. It does seem to be a natural progression for these negros to get white women to the joy of the white owners and coaches. I go so far as to say they are “pushed” to get white women by the abundantly availability that’s provided for them. The media project these white coaches as surrogate fathers for these ball players and it makes me sick. And any of them that show any form of manhood they are deemed “troublesome”.

  2. “… white men feel strategically re-assured when black men date and marry white women as bed-side overseers…”

    I’m late to the party but that comment is a gem!

  3. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Amilikar, black people cannot stop any black person from marrying a non-black person—not under this system in which we are dominated by everyone else. In my judgment, it is this domination that makes it illogical to to do so if one’s ultimate objective is to replace the global system of white/light domination with one of justice.

    The hope that one can sex one’s way out of the bottom of the caste is what keeps us buoyed/anchored to the interests of the system. In Brazil, this mechanism has been called “the mulatto escape hatch.” For this reason, color should matter the most when it comes to all matters pertaining to sex.

  4. Amilkar Says:

    I was going to bite my lip and pass on this one, but it got kinda interesting on the scroll up. On marrying white women: Grant has a point, to an extent, where you should be able to marry/date/four-letter-word anyone you want, provided they are two consenting adults. But if I were a successful Black man, in sports or any other business, I have to tell you, based upon the things I’ve read on Cynical Afrikan’s blog, there is no way I would even consider marrying a white female after reading those frightening articles! Besides, what’s wrong with cocky, successful Black men marrying beautiful, sexy Black women? Doesn’t everyone fall over themselves to kiss Tom Brady’s ass for his tie-up with Gisele Bundchen? Or David Beckham’s overglamourized hook-up with Victoria? Maybe color does, and should, matter to more of us.

  5. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    I’ve had very accurate results with the test. And, reluctance to answer is 100% correlated thus far with “no.”

  6. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Mack, now, you KNOW I’m going to listen to that interview with Jackson…..and, comment here (though it may take a day or three.). SMH THANKS!!!!

  7. So there is a test to determine whether or not someone is black or not? Yeah, good luck with that.

  8. Hey Cree,

    Are you aware of the story of Stephen Jackson?

    Stephen Jackson is a prominent black player that was released from the Spurs out of the blue this past season. I mean he was integral part of the team’s success is the season and bam he’s gone.

    I think if you look up his background you will find a lot of connections to the theories put forth in this argument.

    But Stephen Jackson, was a part of the Pacers team with Ron Artest (now known as Metta World Peace) and Jermaine O’Neal, that got into a brawl with the out of control fans in Detroit. This sort of gave him a “bad rap”.

    But interesting enough, Stephen Jackson appeared on ESPN’s First Take 6/13. And obviously, the asked him about his abrupt departure from the Spurs franchise. He said, “I don’t deal with ultimatums well.” That sounded suspicious. They quizzed him for more information, and he said me being the player that I am, I’m not going to admit or say that someone is better than me. I’m a competitor. And he does mention the word confidence in the interview. Oddly enough, Stephen A. Smith went on to surmise that, the players that Stephen A may have been referring to Manu Ginobili or Danny Greene.

    If you decide to listen scroll to the 30 min mark.

    But maybe Pop couldn’t deal with his unapologetic blackness.

  9. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    The point of my question, Grant, is that I SUSPECT that you are not a black person. And, this question is designed to test that.

  10. Brilliant Post! I will post this on my facebook page so others can read it. Thank you Cree for being on your counter racist grind.

  11. I’m not sure I understand the point of your question. Do you want to trade stories about racism or something?

  12. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Grant, if you are a black person, please state, specifically, how you first learned that you were.

  13. I agree with AA. This is pretty stupid. White men feel reassured when black men marry white women? On what planet? Every time I date a white woman, all the white men are angry.

    Anyhow, props to Gary Neal for marrying such a hot wife. No wonder he was nailing all those 3’s. Stop telling the black man who he can or can’t date. That’s what’s holding back blacks. And stop thinking it matters what color your partner is. That’s what’s holding back the human race.

  14. Kushite Prince Says:

    Yeah I hear you. The Civil War is a great analogy. In the fight against racism,white folks are playing chess–we’re playing checkers. We need to get our heads straight. I think when Obama leaves office in 2016 things will get real hectic. We really need a game plan to get out of this modern day Babylon.

  15. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Good point, M!, about the dress code imposed by Stern. If the players are supposed to “dress properly,” what’s with these grubby plaid shirts of the Spurs. Properly means, “less black,” I suspect. Yeah, Stern is sure clears the way for every racist and suspected racist 😉 involved with the NBA—fans all the way up through owners and coaches. He makes me want to vomit.

    Gnobli, I think is Italian. Argentina has been known as the “Europe” of Latin America for almost a century. Those of Italian, Spaniard, French, German and Slavic ancestry comprise 86% of Argentina’s population.

  16. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    “Is it wrong to root for Lebron and Wade just because they’re with black women and Duncan and Neal aren’t? I guess it’s kind of rhetorical.” Rhetoric has its constructive uses, KP. 🙂

    As far as being a sports fan, context determines everything. Some of the best times of my childhood were spent with my dad and sister watching west coast basketball teams. Eventually, my sister and I learned how to watch the game intelligently. We got more access to snacks that way. I’m really not a sports fan though I see nothing intrinsically wrong with being one. Sports is major psychological warfare in this race thing. That’s my only interest in it. But, under the current system of dominance, whether, its tennis, golf, boxing, basketball or anything in economics, education, ENTERTAINMENT, politics, religion, sex, or war, I’m rooting for the whoever is making the most points for the global black team. The confederate forces had some black forces near the end of the “Civil” War but fighting with those other white folks was better for the global black team.

  17. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    AA, are you a black person? If so, how, specifically, did you first learn you were a black person?

  18. Good topic. The attack on these black players I believe starts at the top. the person I believe most to blame is David Stern. The one Bryant Gumbel(although he left his black wife for a white one) was correct when he called Stern a plantation overseer. I thought Stern initiated a policy where the players had to dress”properly”not hip hop.So the truck driver look as evidenced in these photos is ok. Stern in my opinion also doesn’t have a problem with cocky white fanatics”fans”in the stand that target,harass,black players.The white instigators who are probably being racist can do what they want. The recent middle finger pointing of a white female(whose husband died under mysterious circumstances,check it out.)towards Joakim Noah is one of many examples.They don’t get removed from the arenas,become banned from games,suffer financiallyand most importantly get charged by LEOs’. Stern seems to go after the black players that defend themselves from these .Remember these are his employees,he has an obligation to protect them. However its obvious what side he’s on. Interesting that Ginobili gets more money that Tim Duncan who has 4 chamionships ,scores more points per game ,seniority and is supposed to be the team “leader”. I remember when any person born in Argentina (as Ginobili is) wasn’t considered white in the USA. I guess with white numbers decreasing,the club needs to expand.It would be nice if Duncan would be able to lowball his soon to be ex in court. It would set a trend,although the proper trend would be ,not to get involved with these females.

  19. Kushite Prince Says:

    “YOUR NAME IS TOBY!” You know you’re wrong for that Cree!lol You’re too much!lol But I know where you’re coming from. They don’t want their slaves getting too uppity. They always see pride and confidence as a threat. I think it’s because if a person has too much pride they may demand respect. And if you want respect you want to be treated equally in society. And of course they can’t have that right? Next you know they’ll want silly things like
    I’ve also noticed that teams like the Spurs are often described as knowing the “fundementals” of basketball. Or that they play smart ball and don’t resort to “trash talk”. Sports commentators described the Dallas Mavericks this way when they played the Heat. The Heat are sometimes described as “brash” or “flashy”. I think these are code words for black most of the time. I noticed this as a kid growing up watching the Lakers play the Celtics. Magic Johnson represented the flashy glamour of Hollywood. While white player Larry Bird represented the all American kid western boy next door. This was back in the 80’s but you can still see the correlations in today’s basketball games. The players have changed but the same stereotypes are still at play. I grew up a die hard Laker fan so it was hard seeing them get eliminated this year. Then the Clippers and Warriors both lost in the playoffs. Being in Cali I always root for the west coast teams.
    I haven’t got anything against Lebron or Wade,I’m just not a big Heat fan. But then again I’ve never liked the Spurs since they eliminate the Lakers a lot. Since I’m not a fan of either I guess I’d root for the Heat just because I know there are a lot of Lebron-haters out
    I got a question Cree. Is it wrong to root for Lebron and Wade just because they’re with black women and Duncan and Neal aren’t? I guess it’s kind of

  20. This is the dumbest thing I have ever read. Seriously.

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