1st Anniversary of Zimmerman Acquittal

We will put our minds on it and to it:  Within this generation, when they come to harm even one of us, WE will be ready/

We will put our minds on it and to it: Within this generation, when they come to harm even one of us, WE will be ready.

8 Responses to “1st Anniversary of Zimmerman Acquittal”

  1. I was livid when I heard that George Zimmerman was acquitted because I felt that he should have been put in jail for racially profiling and murdering a young boy. What he did was wrong but his acquittal signified that others are allowed to kill Black youth without any punishment. And it isn’t right.

  2. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Excellent suggestions, M1.

    Yes, black people, for te reasons you’ve mentioned, need self-defense skills on many tiers. Those currently in existence and those that we need to bring into existence through tech development. And, since war is being waged upon us, doing rather than talking is paramount.

  3. Excellent article Cree. Thanks for the reprint. Black people need self-defense training more than any other group of people. This is due to us being the most targeted, mistreated, hunted,profiled (insert your own term.) Teach these skills to as many as possible, especially chidren . One bit of advice: Don’t show your defensive skills whatever they are on social media (YouTube Facebook any website that has your email address, etc.) Also look out for court cases involving Marissa Alexander, Trevor Dooley, Ted Wafer, Michael Dunn as well as the most important case in my opinion Maryland vs. Joseph Walker.

  4. Okay. I thought you were going soft on us.

  5. CREE-EIGHT Says:

    Actually, that’s what I meant, hunglikeJesus. But, it was too late last night/this morning for me to post what I had o FaceBook. I’ll amend and augment the post sometime today.

  6. Kushite Prince Says:

    No worries Cree. I got your back!
    Feel free to share it on Facebook or anywhere else you would like. Peace!

  7. […] This post is in conjunction with fellow blogger Cree. She uploaded a post today entitled Black Defense Affirmation Day. This is her post:https://cree7.wordpress.com/2014/07/13/1st-anniversary-of-zimmerman-acquittal/ […]

  8. It’s a good idea, but how many people have walked away from murder charges after killing a Black person? If were to remember them all then all we would be doing is remembering them all. Not trying to sound defeated but we are defeated in this arena. A more proactive stance needs to be enacted – I favor By Any Means Necessary. And each individual can decide for him or herself what that means to them.

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